Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
De vestido/Wearing a Dress
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Alice chegou/Alice is here
Alice arrived by surprise this morning, at 6:28h, weighting 3kg and measuring 47cm. She is absolutely marvelous and perfect... but her mother, an incompetent, forgot the usb cable for the camera, so, photos, only tomorrow!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Dia cheio/Full day
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Mais orgulho/More Pride
Sunday, December 09, 2007
A Lua Vira/The Moon Changes
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
It's been 37 weeks. Today we saw her and she is BEAUTIFUL and starting to get ready to arrive. SHe now weights 2,600kg and is in the right position to come out! Even the doctos is starting to think she'll be here around the 17th... we shall see!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Manias e Esquisitices
2. ODEIO que fale comigo quando estou lendo e-mails.
3. Adoro comer farinha láctea! Se me deixar, como 2 vezes por dia!
4. Para dormir preciso encostar alguma parte do meu corpo, mesmo que só o dedinho do pé, no meu marido.
5. Não consigo dormir com o pé descoberto.
6. Tenho aflição de ficar com mão ressecada. Sou capaz de acordar no meio da noite para botar creme na mão.
7. Só consigo dormir se tiver um copo de água cheio do meu lado.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Menininha/Little Girl
It was awesome to make this page! Pure experimentation! Sobre o cardstock texturizado preto eu pincelei tinta acrílica prateada BEM de leve, só pra dar um suave brilho.
Over the black textured cardstock I brushed silver acrylic paint VERY lightly, just to give the page a slight shimmer.
A foto, impressa em cardstock branco texturizado, foi coberta com 2 camadas de emboss quente transparente e depois uma linha de emboss quente prateado fazendo a moldura.
The photo, printed on white textured cardstock, was covered with 2 layers of transparent heat emboss and then with a line of silver heat emboss making the frame.
O arabesco foi pintado com tinta acrílica prateada. O título escrito à mão com caneta prateada. E aqui dá para ver o leve "brilho" da página.
The flourish was painted with silver acrylic paint. The title was hand written with a silver pen. And here we can see the light "shimmer" on the page.
O texto é a música "Menininha" do Vinícius de Moraes, que pode ser encontrada no famoso disco "Arca de Noé". Já é a segunda página que faço com essa música que é simplesmente LINDA!
The journaling is the song "Menininha" (Little Girl) by Vinícius de Moraes, which can be found in the famous album "Arca de Noé" (Noah's Arc). This is the second page I make with this song that is simply BEAUTIFUL!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Finally the albums I made in Ju Lima's class! The first one in white with the Monogram in Gel for Alice's pages. The second one in black with white polka dots to put the pages made in 2008 that are not about Alice.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Mas quem recebe também dá... tu tirei a Tia Ju no amigo oculto e simplesmente AMEI montar o kit vermelho dela com direito a morangos para comer no avião e tudo!
E como se tudo isso não bastasse, ainda fui sorteada no melhor brinde do mundo... um circle cutter tudo de bom da EK!
E ainda no final, saí com um lindo álbum de piquet MARAVILHOSO e feito por mim com orientação da Tia Ju! Ahhh.... o segundo eu não terminei, ficou de dever de casa, porque, como a Ju descobriu, carioca fala muito e trabalha pouco! Mas se diverte de montão!
Dia bom é assim!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Perfeição / Perfection
Some people have craftsmanship and talent... but others simply have the gift of creating beauty to perfection! That is the case of my husband's cousin, Lourdes. A simple photo does no justice to this bag... I think I have never seen anything as beautiful as this in my life!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Alice com 35 semanas / Alice at 35 weeks
Today I saw my Alice... weighting 2,200kg and with a foot that measures 6cm, we even managed to see her hair! But her face... no way!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Brinquedinho!/Little Toy
I am overjoyed... check out the little toy we bought to take a gazillion pictures of Alice!!!
E como se isso não bastasse, olha o capricho do presente da Tivó Ni e da Tia Dete!! Isso é coisa de profissional!
And as if that was not enough, check out the craftsmanship in the gift made by Grandaunt Ni and Aunt Dete!! This is professional work!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I think my biggest flaw is "screaming loud" during these last few weeks of the pregnancy... anxiety! The idea of not being ablt to plan out my next month, the question mark of when time will come... I am on the edge! I feel bad for people who have to deal with me, I am barely dealing with myself!