This is what a typical Winter Sunday looks like in Rio...
E essa é uma poodle companheira dizendo pro papai que a mamãe baleia está encalhada no canto da sala...
Today I woke up with a desire for chocolate and had none at home... hence, nothing better than getting inspired by it!
Aqui vemos o caos aumentando... minha agenda de novo, tesouras, lapiseira, um estojo com as tralhas para a aula de mosaico, meu copo de água constante sobre o meu porta copos de peixe que eu AMO, bilhetinhos para mim mesma, um rolo de papel higiênico (nenhuma boa alérgica fica longe de um!).
Here the growing chaos... my daily planner again, scisors, pencil, a pencil case filled with stuff for my mosaic class, my constant glass of water on top of the fish coaster I LOVE, little notes to myself, a roll of toilet paper (no real allergic person stays too far from one of those!).
E, finalmente, sob a mesa eu tenho meu porta papéis e meu aquecedor de pé peludo e branco que também responde pelo nome Teca.
And, finally, under the table I have my paper holder and my furry white foot heater that also answers by the name Teca.
E agora vou passar o comando adiante para as blog-amigas Lais, Maisa, Patri e Lu.
And now I pass the "order" onto my blog-buddies Lais, Maisa, Patri e Lu.
E, finalmente, vamos falar de Pan Rio 2007... Que bela abertura, realmente a Rosa Magalhães merece um aplauso! Já nosso presidente... que grande mico!
And finally, let's talk Pan Am Games Rio 2007... what a beautiful Opening Ceremony, Rosa Magalhães really deserve our applause! Our president, in the other hand.... what a shame!
Well... As I might have mentioned here, I am taking Pregnancy Water Aerobics. The class is REALLY cool, I reccomend it to all pregnant women. Floating in the water is a joy when we feel so hevy and achy! Additionally, in the water no one can see my gigantic and ever growing behind while I exercise! And Alice seems to enjoy it too, because it is always there that I feel the little butterflies that I believe to be her movements (I am still not sure if it is her or just gas!).
There is also the class that is held in the pool right before mine which is for 3 to 6 year-old children and is VERY fun... I always go to the pool a little earlier just to watch the class that makes me laugh so hard! I have already decided that as soon as the doctor allows it, Alice will be tossed in the pool!
I have also decided to take a Mosaic class... there are four 4-hour long meetings... for R$15... I think it will be fun... even if only to make time go by faster!
Finally, here is one more page using the Scrapdiary monthly kit for my participation in the Dream Team...
What to do on a Sunday except for lunch at the mother in law's and a little bit of scrapbooking?The first page is my entry for the Scrapdiary Bingo...
The second one was the page that was published in the magazine Almanaque de Decoração de Álbuns da Editora Online! And tomorrow I'll have some more!